Faculty of Theatre Studies
Greek and World Theatre : Drama,Performance,Education
Αρχική σελίδα
News and Events
Doctoral Studies
» PhDs in the Department of Theatre Studies
Administrative Decision for the Establishment of the new PSP
Administrative Structure
Target - Objective
Modes of Admission - Registrations
Categories and Number of P.S.P. Students
Syllabus - Papers - Exams
Attendance - Duration of Studies
Programme and Content of Courses 2019-2020
Bibliography for the Admission Exams 2019-2020
Doctoral Studies
PhDs in the Department of Theatre Studies
Postodoctoral Research
Process of Submission of Postraduate and Doctoral Theses to PERGAMOS Digital Depository
PhDs in the Department of Theatre Studies NKUA – Αlphabetical List
PhDs in the Department of Theatre Studies NKUA - Chronological List