Categories and number of admitted postgraduate students
In the P.S.P. “Greek and World Theatre: Drama, Performance, Education” are admitted graduates of Theatre Studies Departments, Theatre Schools, Schools of Humanities, and other schools of similar disciplines of Greece or other countries. The latter on the condition that their diploma has been validated by the Commanding Office of the Ministry of Education (ΔΟΑΤΑΠ). For candidates who have a diploma of a different kind of discipline, the S.C. suggests the case to the D.A. to decide.
Also, in additional number of owners of diploma of higher education already employed in the University can be admitted, according to paragraph 8, article 34 of 4485/17 law.
The P.S.P. “Greek and World Theatre: Drama, Performance, Education” admits up to 30 students each academic year and allocates 15 to each specialization. It has been programmed for 20 university teachers to undertake the seminars and classes, 60% at least among the regular staff of the Department of Theatre Studies UOA and 40% among Universities and Research Centers of Greece or foreign countries, on the bases of the categories defined analytically in the article no 10. This means an rate of 1,5 students per teacher.
The maximum number of 30 per year corresponds to the number of 120 per year of the pre-graduate students and the number 20 of the professors and teachers of the Department.
The abovementioned elements are approximate and correspond to the data of the year this regulation was composed.